-> *This is a concept I came up with for a short story called "Nibblers". The protagonist was an information forensic.* In the case of an accident, terrorist attack, military action or similar, people will use the internet to document the incident from their own, subjective perspective. We have seen this during the 2020 BLM protests or the 2021 US Capitol riots. So for every major incident, there will be posts, pictures, videos, news etc. documenting the event. However we can assume that every author / actor has their own bias & agenda, so this documentation will be random, disorganized, inaccurate and sometimes misleading. Further, there will be fakes and other deliberate disinformation attempts. The assumption is that there will be a profession that aggregates, validates and "de- and re-contextualizes" the information to try and create a close-to-objective report of what actually happened. Essentially these will be near-real-time historians. You could argue that these are journalists, which might be true, but as data and platforms get more complex, the gathering, analytics and provision of the data will be a specialized service FOR journalists. Essentially a mix between data, information and historical sciences plus the understanding of journalism and storytelling.